Best Practice Policy


This policy is designed to set out the standards of Professional Practice, Ethics and Conduct that Indigo Moon Holistics Associates are asked to maintain. This document may be in addition to other codes you may have from any Professional Organisations that you belong to.

The principles stated below are best practices to ensure the highest standards are maintained to provide quality, ethical and professional services to clients, to other therapists and to the wider healing community.


1. Professional Standards

All Indigo Moon Holistics Associates (Associates) must ensure that they are legally and professionally entitled to provide the treatments, therapies and services that they are offering. This includes:-

1.1 Relevant Qualifications

Associates must hold relevant qualifications for the treatments, services and therapies that they provide. Where appropriate, this should also include ongoing CPD training.

1.2 Insurance

Associates must hold current, relevant Professional Indemnity, Medical Malpractice, Public and Product Liability Insurance. Associates must ensure that any insurance policy is current and relevant to services offered.

1.3 Limitation of Scope

Associates should not perform a treatment, service, use equipment or give advice that is beyond their scope of practice, qualification or insurance.

1.4 Documentation

You will be required to provide evidence of qualifications, training and insurance. Certificates and other qualifications must be displayed or be made available by the Associate.

Before providing the treatment, healing, or workshop, Associates must explain fully either in writing or verbally, what the treatment entails.

1.5 Fraudulent Mediumship

The Law provides that anyone who purports to act as a spiritualistic medium with the intent to deceive, or exercises any powers of telepathy, clairvoyance or other similar powers or, in purporting to act as a spiritualistic medium, or to exercise the powers mentioned above, uses any fraudulent device, is guilty of an offence.

1.6 Premises

When carrying on a business from any premises an individual must ensure that their working conditions and facilities to which members of the public have access, are suitable and comply with all current legislation.


2. Professional Conduct

At Indigo Moon, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of care. Our Associates are asked to work with integrity, respect and impartiality with regard to their clients, to other Associates and to Indigo Moon Holistics.

2.1 Client Care

A professional relationship should be maintained with clients – one that is based on integrity, ethical principles and clear boundaries. Associates should be empathetic, supportive and positive, thus encouraging uplift in the client’s mental health outlook, and a belief in a progression towards good health practices.

It is the client’s prerogative to make their own choices with regard to their health, lifestyle and finances.  Associates must not countermand instructions or prescriptions given by a doctor, other healthcare or professional practitioner.

2.1.1 Confidentiality

Associates will uphold the ethics of confidentiality and not disclose any information relating to any client without their consent, unless required by law. No disclosure may be made to a third party, including any family member of the client’s own family, without the consent, unless it is required by due process of the law.

2.1.2  Client Records

Associates are responsible for maintaining good client records detailing all relevant personal and medical information, plus treatments, services or advice given, and any reactions or outcomes. Full written consultations are recommended to ascertain that the service is appropriate for each client. The Associate will be responsible for the safe and secure retention of their Client Records.

2.1.3 GDPR

Associates should ensure that they comply with current Data Protection policies and procedures.

2.1.4  Equality and Diversity

All clients should be treated equally and without discrimination. No client should be refused on the grounds of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, culture, religion, lifestyle or social status.

2.1.5 Ethical Principles: Integrity – Respect – Trust

Indigo Moon Holistics Limited holds the following fundamental ethical principles, which all Associates are expected to uphold.

i) – To work with integrity, impartiality and respect for all individuals.  All professional relationships and interactions will be ethical and non-exploitative.

ii) – The highest standard of practice must be observed

iii) – Confidentiality must be respected.

iv) – To treat fellow members of Indigo Moon Holistics Limited, the public at large and other health care professionals and healers with respect and courtesy.

2.1.6 Conduct and Behaviour

Associates are asked to uphold the standards of their profession through their conduct and behaviour. Professional boundaries should be observed in relationships with clients and colleagues. Co-operation and respect for other associates, practitioners, relevant professionals and associations is requested.


3. Health & Safety

Associates have a responsibility to maintain the health and safety of themselves, their clients and other colleagues at all times.

3.1  Premises

Associates should make themselves familiar with all aspects of safety in the premises they are working from. This includes:

  • Location of fire exits
  • Location of fire extinguishers
  • Evaculation protocols
  • Location of First Aid Kits
  • Awareness of any potential hazards to the public
  • Appropriate PAT tests for any electrical items or equipment used
3.2 Risk Assessments and COSHH

Where relevant, all Associates should have Risk Assessments and COSHH protocols in place.

3.3 Hygiene

Associates should ensure that best practice is applied in relation to both personal hygiene and correct use, disposal and sterilisation of any equipment used.

3.4 First Aid Training

If required by your Professional Association, First Aid Training should be kept up to date. Best practice is that First Aid Training be undertaken by everyone.


4. Complaints Procedure

Associates are recommended to have a written Complaints Procedure in place. All complaints from clients should be dealt with professionally, promptly and fairly.

5. Personal Relationships – Boundaries

The relationship between the Associate and Client should be of the highest professional standard.  Due diligence of care, skill and integrity should be demonstrated at all times.

5.1 Associates must not exploit their clients financially, sexually, emotionally or in any other way.

5.2 Associates must not request the removal of clothing except for coat and footwear.

5.3 Associates shall be without judgement concerning the race, colour, creed, gender, sexual orientation or the religious, spiritual, political and social views of others.

5.4 Guidelines for Dealing with Clients Expressing Suicidal Feelings

It is not against the law for an individual to commit suicide or to attempt to commit (Suicide Act 1961) .  However, the law states that anyone, either a professional or lay person, can be charged with the offence of aiding and abetting a suicide in the follow circumstances.

i) If they actively assist a suicide

ii) If they are aware of someone’s decision to attempt a suicide and do not inform an appropriate professional, e.g the general practitioner, hospital pyschiatrist or approved social worker.

5.5 Disclosing Confidential Information in the Public Interest

Decisions about the disclosure of confidential information must be on a case-by-case basis.  When considering if disclosure of information is appropriate, Associates should observe certain considerations:

i) Associates must determine between serious harm to the individual about whom the information relates or serious harm to others. In order to prevent serious harm or death to others, confidential information can be disclosed without prior consent. This is likely to be defensible in common law in the public interest.

ii) A threat or suicide constitutes an exceptional circumstance where confidentiality has to be reviewed.  It is always better to get the client’s consent to break confidentiality and to keep the information disclosed to a minimum.  If however, you cannot secure your client’s consent you are still under legal obligation to seek others help and this should be explained to the client. 

It is vital you make clear to the client that the minimum information will be disclosed to other relevant professionals.  For example, it is not always essential to reveal their medical status or the circumstances, which may make the client feel such despair.  It is usually sufficient to state you are concerned for their safety because you believe they are at risk of committing suicide. 

For more guidance visit:

6. Responsibilities to Self

Associates shall recognise the value of self-treatment and also receiving healing from another, as part of their continuing self development. 

6.1 Associates have a responsibility to themselves to maintain their own professionalism.

6.2 Associates should not offer treatments to others if unwell

6.3 Associates must take all reasonable steps to monitor, develop and advance their professional competence, and to work within that capacity.  Continuing Professional Development (CPD), is a requirement for Professional Practice.

6.4 Associates shall be aware of their personal professional limitations and refer a client elsewhere when the need demands.

7. Responsibilities to Others

Associates shall seek a good relationship and work in a co-operative manner with other Associates, healers, healthcare practitioners, recognising and respecting their particular contribution within the Associates Health care Team.  Associates will not undermine a client’s faith in any other form of treatment and shall respect and support the client’s choices.

7.1 Associates shall at all times conduct themselves with due diligence and respect in their relations with all members of the public, staff, students, other Associates, Professional bodies at Indigo Moon Holistics Limited.

7.2 Associates should not engage in the criticism of other health professionals or associates with their clients.

7.3 Associates should never claim to ‘cure’. If another therapy is used in conjunction with the Associates specified treatment, permission must be obtained from the clients at the outset.

7.4 Associates must act with consideration concerning fees and justification for treatment.

7.5 Associates have the same obligation to the client whether being paid or working in a voluntary capacity.

7.6 Associates should recognise the client’s right to refuse treatment or disregard advice, even when the treatment has been requested by, or consent has been given by the client themselves, parents/guardian, owner/caregiver.

7.7 Associates retain the right to refuse or postpone treatments to a client, should the Practitioner believe the giving of treatment to be inappropriate. The associate should make it clear to the client why they are refusing or postponing treatment, e.g:

i) The client is under the influence of of alcohol or mind-altering substances

ii) The client is intimidating or offensive, in a physical or sexual manner, or otherwise

iii) The client behaves in a way which may lead the Associate to feel physically unsafe, disrespected or abused.

iv) In the case of late attendance of the client, the Associate may exercise discretion in refusing treatment.



These policies will help to ensure the best quality of care for our clients, and also set high standards of professionalism that will ensure the good reputation of not just ourselves, but the wider healing community.