Break negative attachments

Indigo Moon Holistics

Energy Cord Cutting

Home 9 Treatments 9 Energy Cord Cutting

We are all spiritual beings. Every day we are sharing energy with fellow humans, animals and nature.  Most of these bonds happen naturally and are welcome, for example with friends, family, children, co-workers or neighbours.  Helpful energy bonds consist of mutual sharing, respect, trust and love.  However, sometimes we can pick up attachments to others that are unhelpful or unwanted.

Energy cord-cutting is about consciously releasing energy attachments that do not serve us or weigh us down.  Whilst most people talk about cord-cutting with other people and their connection to them, it can also be habits, patterns, cycles, memories or situations.  Cutting unhelpful connections can help us move forward on our self-journey as we evolve and grow.

If you haven’t visited us before, your initial treatment will include a detailed consultation.  You will then be invited to sit or lie down, fully clothed, on the treatment bed.  The therapist will help you to relax into a meditative state where you feel safe and supported.  They will then use visualisation techniques to identify and (metaphorically) cut the cords that are draining your energy.

50 minute treatment: £83


Energy Cord Cutting has many benefits including:

  • Feeling lighter and less affected by anything you are negatively attached to
  • Feeling more positive and self-confident
  • Forgiveness