
Indigo Moon Holistics

Wearing crystals – your portable collection

Jan 11, 2021 | Crystals

Feel the zing of citrine against your skin, or the cooling effect of amazonite. Become relaxed by amethyst and emboldened by carnelian. Wearing crystals gives you an extra boost as the energy transmits directly through your skin, your body, your aura. Of course, the other benefit is that they look absolutely magnificent! People will usually comment when they see you wearing a statement piece of gemstone jewellery because they can’t help but be drawn to it. Certain stones also will help your skin to glow, I find rose quartz and jade both lift my complexion.

Crystals, gemstones, jewels… whatever you choose to call them these are treasures from the earth. Mined, cut and polished to exacting standards, we enjoy them in so many different varieties. I love the energy that a raw unpolished chunk of gemstone emits, the surface seeming to create flutters of vibration throughout the body. A smooth, polished stone can help you to feel at ease, being tactile and soothing. Very little in the world rivals the exquisite beauty of a cut and polished stone, such as those found in fancy engagement rings. All these versions contain the same elements, and they will all make you look and feel amazing.

There is something very special about wearing crystals. You can take them with you as you go about your day. Protect yourself from EMFs (electro-magnetic frequencies) in your office job with a dark stone like smokey quartz and feel confident speaking in public with blue lace agate, especially on a necklace. Carnelian gives you courage, so might give you strength and comfort if you need to have a difficult conversation. There are stones for every emotion and every occasion, so why not adorn yourself with these beautiful gifts from nature. I always wear crystal jewellery. Even if I am home with the kids in a baggy jumper and leggings, I’ll pop on a pair of earrings or a bracelet and instantly feel complete. My go-to is a pair of rose quartz and copper earrings and a chakra bracelet, as those covers all bases! We don’t wear jewellery for other people any more that we do our underwear (well, except the REALLY special stuff of course!) so pop on a pair of earrings today and see how it makes you feel. If you don’t wear jewellery, no problem! Pop a tumblestone in your pocket or slip it into your bra. A piece of shungite on your computer will deflect those pesky waves (black tourmaline, onyx or obsidian will work just as well, as will smokey quartz). I find that pieces with points, or edges are more effective at working in this way, as they direct the energy elsewhere. Look for a point/tower, or even better a merkaba (like a 3D star). I keep a shungite merkaba on my Alexa as it’s on all the time! Shungite is pricey because it’s rare but you won’t believe the energy you get off it, it just sings! There will be another blog post soon with more info about EMFs.

You may have seen crystal water bottles, which we hope to stock at some point. These will infuse your drinking water with precious crystal energy and put a spring in your step! Also, we tend to carry water bottles about with us these days so it is another way to add to your portable crystal collection!

Indigo Moon Holistics jewellery, including the diffusion ranges. is all handmade by myself and Jo. We are self-taught but highly experienced in the art of creating beautiful designs, always including crystals in our work.

Whilst we are on the subject of our own jewellery, let me tell you a bit about our diffusion ranges! JoJo Soul is the brainchild of Jo, who loves dark chains, metallics, haematite and pyrite, and her work has a bit of a goth edge. Funky yet wearable, suitable for day to night dressing, Jo has a real eye for dramatic pieces. The Garden Room is my baby. I love to combine gemstones with artisanal ceramics and glass. Some of my pieces are quite extraordinary, and others are suitable for daily wear. I am inspired by nature and art, and the creatives I work with.

Take a look at our jewellery, and if you can’t see anything that catches your eye just get in touch! We can make something really special just for you. We just need to take a few details to design something and we will share it with you throughout the process so that you can be totally happy with the finished piece.

We hope you love wearing crystals as much as we do!

Love and light, Georgina x


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